Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, January 28, 2022
Prepare yourselves for the armed clash between the nations. My children, you are about to be raptured from Above, you are about to come to Me.
Message from God the Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

The Prince of this world has seized the children of Light, men, in their human weakness have given obedience to the one who will put them to death.
Children of Jerusalem, know that I, your God-Love, your Creator, weep for your foolishness, for your unbridled desire for the things of this world, forgetting that you are of Heaven and to Heaven you should have returned; but, your pride has exceeded your strength, you have sold yourselves to Lucifer, you have played his game, your heart is full of evil, you no longer have even an ounce of goodness.
A Horseman will give you news of the Event long awaited by the children of Light!
My children, you are about to be kidnapped from Above, you are about to come to Me, will know My Face, innocent children you will ardently desire to be taken into My Arms, and you will manifest all your joy to your God-Love, to your King! Soon you will be in Heaven with Me. God bless you!
While tremendous justice will be meted out to the wicked, to those who killed My little ones and changed My Laws.
Rome will rise new, ...its walls will never again crumble because the King of Glory will inhabit it.
The Russian army, prepares to counterattack.
The USA are loading their strategic weapons but they will not have victory.
Friends of the Risen One, prepare for the armed clash of nations, the shroud will be terrible.
Men have now become blind, ...deaf to their God Love, they listen to the voice that comes from the darkness: ...they have become murders, they have put God Love under their feet, they follow Satan, who has now become their master and king.
Pray, beloved children, pray because the chastisements are already in place.
Source: ➥